Advanced scripting and batching of tomographic datasets
General course information
Although X-ray tomography is an attractive characterisation technique in materials science, it generates a huge amount of data at a fast rate and it can be etxremely time consuming to process the data manually. A great benefit to creating scripts and plugins in Avizo is the ability to reuse a workflow on more than one image or to develop a bespoke workflow for more complex materials.
The training is organised in two parts: Pyhton scripting in Avizo (1 day) and development of Avizo Python module (1 day). At the end of the second day, the users are invited to practise on their own dataset with the help of the trainers. The attendees are invited to bring their own laptop (an Avizo license will be provided for the training).
Who should attend?
This course is aimed at advanced users with prior expertise in 3D imaging and image processing of 3D datasets. Prior experience with Avizo and/or Python is recommended.
Learning outcomes
Introduction to scripting in Avizo
Python usage
Useful global commands
Methods to interact with objects in Avizo
Developement of a script to batch the analysis of volume particles
Introduction to Python script objects used in modules
Modules attributes and methods
Learn how to create a new module and call it from Avizo (application to real case study)