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Dr Kamel Madi








Kamel Madi is the co-founder of 3Dmagination. He graduated from Mines ParisTech with a PhD in Materials Science & Engineering (2003-2006). During this period, he was introduced to the exciting world of X-ray CT imaging by Pr Jean-Yves Buffiere and taught computational homogenization methods by Pr Samuel Forest in collaboration with Dr Michel Boussuge and Saint-Gobain CREE. He has more than 10 years teaching and research experience during which he has acquired solid methods in the fields of 3D imaging, mechanics of materials and manufacturing process in both academia (Mines ParisTech, University of Portsmouth, University of Manchester) and industry (Saint-Gobain group, Corning group), and in diverse areas such as glass industry and healthcare. In March 2010, he took the decision to dedicate his skills to biomedical applications and more particularly to the field of orthopaedic biomechanics. Since then, his objectives have been to investigate how implants, tissues and cells respond to mechanical forces and the role of mechanics in disease and repair, through a combination of 3D confocal & CT imaging, in situ mechanical testing and image-based modelling. He is a STEM ambassador and enjoys doing STEM outreach activities for students of all ages. He recently developed a masterclass activity on 3D depth perception at the Royal Institution of Great Britain.


Playing football has always been a passion of his where game tactics involve strategic moves and team spirit, but he is also a keen jogger and, after running the Paris half-marathon, he would love to run the New-York marathon in the near future.


Passion for science, sustainable innovation and education are his main driving forces which are at the heart of everything he does at 3Dmagination.


Selected publications:

Instantaneous 4D micro-particle image velocimetry (µPIV) via multifocal microscopy (MUM). MGR Guastamacchia, R Xue, K Madi, WTE Pitkeathly, PD Lee, SED Webb, SH Cartmell, PA Dalgarno. Scientific Reports 12, 18458 (2022).


In situ characterization of nanoscale strains in loaded whole joints via synchrotron X-ray tomography. K Madi, KA Staines, BK Bay, B Javaheri, H Geng, AJ Bodey, SH Cartmell, AA Pitsillides, PD Lee. Nature Biomedical Engineering (2019).


The development of a high throughput drug-responsive model of white adipose tissue comprising adipogenic 3T3-L1 cells in a 3D matrix. AD Graham, R Pandey, VS Tsancheva, A Candeo, SW Botchway, A Allan, L Teboul, K Madi, TS Babra, LAK Zolkiewski, X Xue, L Bentley, J Gannon, SN Olof, RX Cox. doi: 10.1088/1758-5090/ab56fe 


A computed microtomography method for understanding epiphyseal growth plate fusion. KA Staines & K Madi, B Javaheri, PD Lee, AA Pitsillides. Frontiers in Materials, Vol 4, Article 48 DOI: 10.3389/fmats.2017.00048 (2018)


Visualising the 3D microstructure of stained and native intervertebral discs using X-ray microtomography.

CM Disney, K Madi, AJ Bodey, PD Lee, JA Hoyland, MJ Sherratt. Scientific reports 7, Article number: 16279 (2017)


A correlative imaging based methodology for accurate quantitative assessment of bone formation in additive manufactured implants. H Geng, N M Todd, A Devlin-Mullin, G Poologasundarampillai, TB Kim, K Madi, S Cartmell , CA Mitchell, JR Jones, PD Lee. J Mater Sci Mater Med, DOI: 10.1007/s10856-016-5721-6 (2016)


Endochondral growth defect and deployment of transient chondrocyte behaviours underlie osteoarthritis onset in a natural murine model. KA Staines, K Madi, SM Mirczuk, S Parker, A Burleigh, B Poulet, M Hopkinson, AJ Bodey, RC Fowkes, C Farquharson, PD Lee, AA Pitsillides. Arthritis & Rheumatology DOI: 10.1002/art.39508 (2015)


Computation of full-field displacements in a scaffold implant using digital volume correlation and finite element analysis.   K Madi, G Tozzi, QH Zhang, J Tong, A Cossey, A Au, D Hollis, F Hild. Medical engineering & physics 35 (9), 1298-1312 (2013)


Multiscale creep characterization and modeling of a zirconia-rich fused-cast refractory. K Madi, S Gailliègue, M Boussuge, S Forest, M Gaubil, E Boller, J-Y Buffiere. Philosophical Magazine 93 (20), 2701-2728 (2013)


Finite element simulations of the deformation of fused-cast refractories based on X-ray computed tomography.                   K Madi, S Forest, M Boussuge, S Gailliegue, E Lataste, J-Y Buffiere, D Jeulin, D Bernard.Computational Materials Science 39 (1), 224-229 (2006)


Numerical study of creep in two-phase aggregates with a large rheology contrast: implications for the lower mantle.             K Madi, S Forest, P Cordier, M Boussuge. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 237 (1), 223-238 (2005)

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